Spells and Spell Kits from £12.50


Need a spell cast for you? Or need the ingredients to cast your own? whether a love spell or protection, sleep or motivation, we have got you covered!

Our SpellService 

We can arrange to cast your spell at the perfect time in the lunar cycle and send you a photo/video of your casting, any herbs and crystals used in your spell in the form of a charm, a candle and a printed scroll with your spell so you can charge with your personal energy if you wish.

Or you can with a custom spell kit created exclusively for you by CrystaltopiaTM, wihich includes everything you need to cast your spell as well as a keepsake scroll for your BoS.

We are practicing witches with many years combined experience between us ad a proven record of successful magical workings. We create all our spell kits in house and each mantra is uniquely written by us. You are guarenteed confidentiality and your personal casting photo/video will not be made public without your consent. 

Prices start from £12.50 for a personal casting and £15.00 for a full spell kit. Message info@crystaltopia.co.uk .


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